Darren Scorza
Drummer - Percussionist - Educator - Recordist - Producer
Hey all, busy season is about to hit! Please check my schedule. Plenty of December gigs. I’d love to see you there!
Here are a few examples from some favorite recordings I played on.
This was Michele’s second record. Michele decided that she wanted to perform some of Stevie Wonder’s “message” songs. I was more than onboard. I also engineered and mixed the record. We were trying for a New Orleans, Dr. John-Allen Toussaint type sound. I still like to think we got it.
Words & Music
My dear friend Jeannie Tanner had the wonderful of idea of getting some of the best Chicago jazz vocalist together and sing her tunes. I consider myself a good “vocalist” drummer, so it sounded like a good idea to me. Lots of different feels and vibes. Lots of great singers. And lots of fun!
Ari Seder - Organ Trio
Ari and I have known each other for ever. We have a lot of the same musical reference points and heroes. When he suggested he’d like to start an organ trio with Paul Mutzabaugh, I jumped at the chance. I play a little differently now, and Ari has moved on to an equally smooth and groovy career as a blues bassist, but this one feels really good to me and a good document of where we were at the time.